Case Study - Roomie
Good Bones Studio, Bentliquid LLC
Webflow Development
Piecing together beautiful lottie assets and imagery into a webflow website to captivate audiences.
Good Bones Studio provided the design and lotties while we developed the website adding countless interactions and beautiful transitions keeping the user in a flow throughout.
Mobile and Desktop

Complex Interactions
Adding some personal touches to go the extra mile in user experience. The lightbulb was a perfect addition to the contact us page. As you move the mouse left to right the lightbulb will shine in that direction. On mobile it automatically swings back and forth.

Not only was the structure a bit complex but also adding these custom interactions to elevate the site to another level was challenging but rewarding. With experience in animation and webflow, we truly have a talented team that can make any ideas come to life and possibly adding a little bit extra to it.

Responsive Tool-tips
Creating custom responsive tool-tips was a challenge but nothing that we couldn't handle.